Serving the local community
Meals on Wheels of Amarillo was organized by twelve local churches in 1971 with 25 volunteers serving 14 elderly people. Today the program feeds over 350 elderly recipients through the support of over 450 volunteers. Meals on Wheels delivers hot, nutritious meals to the homebound elderly and severely disabled who are unable to prepare adequate meals for themselves. Meals On Wheels provides senior care by helping the elderly remain in their own homes under the watchful eye of volunteers who care.
Who is eligible for Meals on Wheels?
- Be at least 60 years old
- Be homebound
- Limited to no driving
- Be unable to prepare well-balanced meals
- Not have anyone in the household who is able to prepare meals
- Clients must live within the city limits of Amarillo

Who delivers the meals?
Our caring volunteers use their own vehicles and gasoline to deliver meals Monday thru Friday.
How can someone apply for Meals on Wheels?
Anyone may recommend a person to be considered for receiving Meals on Wheels. Most referrals come from family members, hospitals, home health agencies, or friends. Complete the Client Application found on our website and return to the Meals on Wheels office via email, fax or mail. You may also call the Meals on Wheels office at 374-1521. Meals on Wheels staff will review all client applications. A volunteer interviewer will set up an appointment with each applicant for a home visit. The Meals on Wheels office will contact the eligible applicant with a start date for service when there is an opening on a route in his/her neighborhood.
What kind of meals does Meals on Wheels serve?
Meals are prepared at BSA Hospital. Hot nutritious meals consist of a protein, vegetable, starch, dessert, bread, and choice of whole or skim milk, if wanted. We can grind or puree the meals, if needed, but we do not prepare for special diets.
What is the cost of the meals?
Recipients pay the raw food cost of $4.75 per meal on a monthly basis. If financially unable to pay $4.75, the applicant is asked to provide financial information to Meals on Wheels to determine if they qualify for a scholarship.
How is Meals on Wheels funded?
The funding for Meals on Wheels of Amarillo is provided by private contributions, civic organizations, foundations, local churches, memorials, client participation, and fundraisers. Contributions are tax deductible and are applied toward operational expenses. Meals on Wheels of Amarillo is NOT a United Way Agency and has never received federal or state funding. We have depended solely on the generosity of our community since 1971.